首页 >  英国留学干货 如何给教授写英文邮件  > 提交留学申请后怎样给学校写邮件询问催促申请结果?




XXXXXXX (ID)_XXX(Name)_XXXXX(Programme)_Application Status Enquiry

eg: 1234567_Cook Cui_MSc Finance_Application Status Enquiry


Dear Admissions Officer,

Hope this email finds you well.

My name is […] and I applied for the [name of degree] at 英国学校名字 in [month you sent application]. I am writing this email to you to inquire about the result of my application.

The deadline to confirm my offers from other universities is approaching, as well as giving deposits for accommodation and visa application processes. With this in mind, it would be very helpful if I could know the result of my application for 英国学校名字 soon.

The opportunity to study at the beautiful campus of 英国学校名字, alongside the expertise of the [name of faculty your degree belongs to] faculty would be fantastic, and would be a valuable stepping stone in my career progression.

I sincerely hope my application is still under consideration.

Kind Regards,



Dear admissions officer,

Hope this email finds you well.

My name is XXX, applicant ID: XXXXXXX, date of birth: DD/MM/YYYY. I have submitted my application for XXXXX (eg: MSc Finance) for two months, but I haven’t received my application result till now. It would be highly appreciated if you could kindly check the application status for me. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you so much.

Best regards,


